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Writer's picturePirate Medz


Resisting the Devil to make him flee.

When an entity tries to whisper in your mind a foreign mental program that goes against your Holy Programming, here are a few techniques I’ve developed over mine years:


Simply ask the deceiver: “And why would I do that?” 🤷🏾‍♂️Asking a deamonic entity a Logical/Reasonable question, that question WILL Freeze a human consciousness. (I call it Stuck in Neutral lol) The Host is now trying to logically reason what you’re saying. This will get in the Deamons way of control. This will get in the way of the Djinni’s irrationality. The Djinn is a Psychopath, remember? God understood this & do believe is why he questioned most everyone he spoke either to or with.



When Djinn 🧞‍♂️ Project thought IMAGES into your mind, recite this Bible verse:


2 Corinthians 10:5

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

King James Version.



Reciting Gods Living Word will lose the hold of the Pre-Programming of the Fear deamon.


Djinni will try to break your focus while reciting the Word. Focus is very important for the Believer in Christ, & Deamons know this. They will use what you have a problem with spiritually, i.e. sin; to try & achieve this.


Let’s look at street preachers. These soldiers of God face many deamonic hecklers within human Host. These Deamonic entities are Familiar Spirits, 1 Samuel 28:7. They know your deepest darkest secrets (they saw your: Murders, rapes, masterbation sessions, robberies, etc & will exploit them as a battle tactic to drain energy (you as Spiritual food), derailment from your Truepurpose with King Jesus (5min meeting could derail you for the next 20yrs🤷🏾‍♂️), or procreate an earthly bound body as a Host.


If you’re paying attention, most small children have the 1000-mile death stare 🤷🏾‍♂️ Listening to the whispers of the Djinn 🧞‍♂️. Most children have a phone/tablet in their hands from the time they understand their bodily functions. They are already con-tracted to a deamon or deity. This is why a child will do something they know they are not supposed to do, & when you ask them why they did that thing they will say…’ “I Don’t know. 🤷🏾‍♂️” They truly don’t know why they did the act. The whisper into the unsuspecting child, now a kid *sacrifice, is a link for the deamon world.


I hope this helps many people. My hopes for you all are to grow in Christ Jesus. Because of Christ, through grace, we partake in the inheritance of our Hebrew ancestors; Gods greatest gift, the insurance for our souls & eternal life. Thank You Lord.

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1 Comment

Krishana Fountain
Krishana Fountain
Feb 02, 2024

Hello I want to truly Thank You for this I’ve been discussing this very subject this morning AllPraisesAndGloryGoToTheFather


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